Newsletter -21 February 2025
Principal Message
Dear Fairview Community,
It has been an exceptionally positive start to the school year at Fairview. Our classes have been heavily invested in implementing some new ways of working through the Department’s reading and attendance priorities. Each of our classes has had a focus on ensuring that foundational skills in reading are present and every day there is explicit teaching in this space.
Already our attendance rates are up 4% on the same time as last year and this reflects students and family connections to schooling and their teachers and peers.
A huge amount of work has occurred around the grounds with amazing murals, fencing, landscaping and much needed maintenance all occurring over the summer break. There is still some work to finalise, as well as then taking the next steps around beautifying the school.
Term 1 is always quite busy with Athletics carnivals, NAPLAN and Swimming and Water Safety. It was great to have such an amazing school photo day this week and also to reintroduce our combined class photos. Please keep an eye out for upcoming events through Schoolzine and Facebook.
As always, a reminder about safe driving practices in and around our school!! Student safety is everyone's responsibility, and we need to be mindful of this at all times.
I am looking forward to the rest of the term continuing how it has started.
David Webster
Upcoming Events
28 February - Clean Up Australia Day
6 March - Athletics Carnival Grade Prep-6
12 March - NAPLAN commences Grade 3 and 5
21 March - Harmony Day
28 March - SPSSA Athletics Carnival
11 April - Free Dress Day (gold coin donation)
11 April - Last day term 1
School Lunch Program
The whole school Lunch program commenced this week and was a huge success.
We are looking forward to a new menu next week.

1-2 Grierson
Grade 1/2 have been busy settling into our classroom and getting to know each other!
We have a new face we'd like to introduce you to, this is Choco, they are our new class mascot, we chose names and then voted for the winner! At the end of the week Choco goes home with the person who has got the most dojo points for our Fairview Star Values- Safe, Together, Achieving and Respect. We also celebrated our STAR values at our first weekly Sector Assembly on Monday.
We have been enjoying our new literacy approach called UFLI and thinking lots about how we say and make sounds. We particularly enjoy waking up our tongues, lips and teeth to start our lessons!
We have also just started exploring 2D shapes, working together to create different and unique designs, thinking about the shape properties.
We have loved having the hot lunches this week and our favourite was the lasagna and salad!
We are getting very busy with our learning and enjoying being a team in 1/2!

3-4C Karsznia
A warm welcome back to friends and families of Fairview Primary School.
In 3/4C, we have begun a very special year-long experience. This year we will be becoming pen pals with a group from Corumbene Nursing Home. This exciting experience will be an amazing opportunity for our students to learn about what life was like in New Norfolk in years gone by. As with any pen pal, we are starting our journey by writing letters of introduction that we will send to them. We have been working on what makes up a formal letter and asking some questions.
We cannot wait to hear back from our new pen pals.
Mr Karsznia

5-6C Bradshaw
This week in 5/6C we celebrated World Kindness Day. We investigated ways we can be kind to others in the school community through what it might look, sound and feel like. The class came up with key words such as manners, being polite, friendly, sharing, including others and respect. All students agreed that when people are kind to them, they feel like they are valued.

School Health Nurse

School Association
The Fairview Primary School Association is made up of parents, staff, and community members who work together to achieve shared outcomes for learners attending our school and for the benefit of the whole school community.
Did you know that all parents of Fairview Primary School are automatically members? This means that everybody is welcome to attend our meetings as an observer, all we ask of you is that you let the school office know if you are attending. Parents also have the option to nominate themselves to be a committee member which gives you the responsibility of being a voice for other parents.
The Committee and members meet at least once per term from 3:15pm, with upcoming dates advertised through the Schoolzine and Facebook.
The first meeting will be at 4pm on Wednesday 12th March 2025.
First will be the Annual General Meeting (AGM) followed by the general meeting.
In the AGM, the Committee elects the following officeholders:
- a chairperson (who must be a parent member or a community member)
- a deputy chairperson (who can be a parent member or a community member)
- a secretary (who can be a parent member, community member or staff member)
- a treasurer (who can be a parent member, community member or staff member
The School Association have been an integral part of the school community for many years and have assisted the school by fundraising for important needs including new home readers, the early years swimming program and a new grandstand for the playground. The School Association organise Mother's Day Stall, Father's Day stall, Easter Raffle, Christmas Raffle and fun events including discos, free dress days, Hot Dog Days and Colour Runs.
The current School Association would like to openly welcome as many parents and community members to attend and to nominate themselves as committee members. There are three parent positions available for 2025/2027 and four community member positions available for 2025/2026. But remember, all parents can still attend our meetings as members.
Hook In 2 Hockey