Newsletter - 12 May 2022
Principal's Address
Hello Families
Welcome back to Term 2! This promises to be a busy term as we refine our focus on quality teaching and learning in preparation for Term 2 Reports which go home to parents on Friday 1st July. If you have any concerns about your child’s progress at any time, please phone the Office to make an appointment to speak with your child’s classroom teacher.
Anzac Day Services: It was my privilege to attend this year’s Anzac Day Service at New Norfolk. Thank you to students Noah and Jordan and all families who represented FPS at the service.
School Improvement Plan 2022: Fairview Primary’s School Improvement Plan is included with this Newsletter. Every government school in Tasmania is required to have an Improvement Plan, which outlines the school’s teaching and learning focus for the year. The document is designed to be read left to right across the columns. Please take some time to read the document so that you are aware of our school’s direction for this year. All classrooms will have the Improvement Plan on display. If you would like to discuss the content of our School Plan, please contact me via the School Office.
Uniform: There are a number of students attending school in non-uniform items, such as multicoloured leggings, hoodies and caps. All students are expected and encouraged to wear their school uniform while at school. We have some secondhand uniform items at the office in excellent condition if families are running out of uniform items at home. Please call in and see Deb in the office.
As always, I am open to any feedback from our school community – please do not hesitate to contact me with any queries, concerns or ideas to share.
With best wishes,
Michelle Waldock
Acting Principal
Anzac Day Service
Additional Canteen Day
We are exploring the option of having an additional canteen day each week on either Monday or Wednesday. We would like all families, including Kinders, to vote on which additional day they would like or if they would like to leave it as Thursday & Friday. If Wednesdays are added as an additional day, the Kinder students will be allowed to order as well. Voting will close on Monday 23rd May at 10am. You will only be able to select one option. Voting is available via the SZapp or by clicking the link below.
School Association News
The next meeting will be held in the hall on Wednesday 18th May from 3:15-4:30.
Association Members and School community observers are welcome.
Observers (Any Non Association Member) must provide proof of vaccination at the door.
If you are planning on attending the meeting, please RSVP to the school by Tuesday 17th May; by phone 6261 7999 or by email
Due to Covid Safe protocols masks must be worn and social distancing observed during the meeting.
Please stay at home if you feel unwell or have tested Covid positive.
3/4 Graham
Year 3/4 Graham have been working on some Science posters about living things and how they can be grouped on the basis of observable features. They researched their own animal and its category that it was grouped in. They needed to draw a labelled sketch and add fun facts about their animal and category. They presented them to the class and were marked on their star rubric, all aiming for top marks!
Managing COVID-19 in schools
This term, there will be some changes in how COVID-19 cases are managed in schools.
Our school will continue to work closely with Public Health to safely manage any COVID-19 cases, with a focus on testing students and staff who have symptoms.
The number of students and staff with COVID-19 will be closely monitored, and we will work with Public Health to respond as needed. If there’s an increase in cases, Public Health will tell us what we need to do and what actions families will need to take.
Parents and carers will no longer receive a message every time there is an individual case in a class or grade – unless students or staff are medically vulnerable.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our school office.
For more information about COVID-19, please visit the Tasmanian Government Coronavirus website or contact the Tasmanian Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738, or Department of Education COVID-19 Support Hotline at or on 1800 816 057.
If you need support translating or interpreting this information, contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.
Changes to close contact requirements
Public Health has recently changed the rules for close contacts of COVID-19 cases so that they no longer need to isolate.
This means that if your child is a close contact – and importantly, symptom-free – they can attend school (except for support schools).
They would however need to pass a daily rapid antigen test before leaving home each day, for a seven-day period. Advice for close contacts is available on the Tasmanian Government Coronavirus website.
You will only need to let us know if your child is a close contact if they’re not attending school.
Close contacts should practise COVID-safe behaviours including good hand hygiene, physically distancing from others when they can and staying away from school if they have any symptoms.
While primary aged close contacts are not obliged to wear a mask in school, they can still choose to if it is practicable for them and they are happy to do so.
If your child is medically vulnerable and you have concerns with the changes to close contacts, then you may wish to work with your child’s medical practitioner to identify further options to reduce the risk of COVID-19 to them. If you have any concerns, please talk to us about alternative learning options.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our school office.
For more information about COVID-19, please visit the Tasmanian Government Coronavirus website or contact the Tasmanian Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738, or Department of Education COVID-19 Support Hotline at or on 1800 816 057.
If you need support translating or interpreting this information, contact the Translating and Interpreting Service on 131 450.
Subway Lunch Orders
This term on Tuesday in week 5 and 10, we will be doing Subway lunch orders. An envelope like in the photo to order on will be sent home with all students the week before to be returned by the Friday. More information will be sent out closer to the date.
5/6 Desire
5/6 Desire class have been doing some holiday writing and creating some snap shots of their school holidays.