Newsletter - 5 December 2024
Principal Report
Upcoming Events
Kinder Burdon
1/2 Rush
2 Thornton
56 Bradshaw
5/6 Luttrell
Nataya's Joke Board
School Food Matters
School Assocation
Speak Up! Stay ChatTY
Derwent Valley Youth Action Team- D'FAT
Colour Run and Picnic
School Crossing Guard
Nature Holiday Program
Cricket School Holiday Programs
Principal Report
Dear Fairview Community,
It has been a really wonderful term so far with so many great learning and extra curricula activities being run.
One of the big highlights for me was the start of the end of year celebration ‘season’ with our annual Kinder Christmas Concert. The students did an amazing job and it was a testament to the staff and parents that support them to engage so positively in their learning. I am really looking forward to seeing the celebrations and awards for our older students in coming weeks.
Recently we have had literacy assessments results collated and released by the Department and the improvements our students have made in their reading across the year has been significant. With an additional 15% of students showing high/medium gains in their reading.
We have been engaging in transition activities for our grade 6s this term and it was wonderful to hear such positive feedback about our students at the recent New Norfolk High School orientation day. Next Friday 13th December we will be having a ‘Step Up’ day onsite for our Prep to Grade 5s with reports and class placements going home that day as well.
I am looking forward to an amazing end to the term.
Upcoming Events
6 December - Launching into Learning Christmas Party
6 December - Volunteer Afternoon Tea
9 December - 3/4K Molesworth Excursion
13 December - Reports sent home
16 December - Picnic and Colour Run
17 December - 9:30am K-2 Celebration Assembly
- 11:30am 3-5 Celebration Assembly
18 December - Grade 6 Activities Day
19 December - Grade 6 Graduation Assembly
- Last day term 4 for students
Kinder Burdon
It’s been a busy few weeks in Kinder. To recognise and celebrate the amazing year we’ve had, we went on an excursion to Zoodoo. Despite the rain, we had lots of fun. Our favourite things we did was touching Tarzan the snake, waking the lion up for a bottle and feeding the kangaroos. We have been getting into the Christmas spirit! We read a story, ‘Christmas is’ by Philip Bunting. The students drew and painted a picture describing what Christmas is to them. We wrote Santa letters, letting him know if we have been naughty or nice and included 3 Christmas wishes. We are looking forward to hopefully hearing from him soon.
Grade 3/4s worked for weeks building up their skills and painting these incredible landscapes in watercolour and acrylic in Art. Check out more in the Office gallery each week.
1/2 Rush
2 Thornton
2 Thornton have had a few changes recently with the exciting news that Mr Thornton is now a proud Dad and so we have two “new” teachers for the last few weeks: Mrs Bordin on a Monday and Ms Grierson on Tuesday-Friday.
It is a very busy time for our class, and we are getting excited about Christmas and the holidays. Mrs Bordin has kindly sorted an Advent daily activity for us, and we are counting down the days with Super Duper Icy Poles! We are also focussing on the theme of Kindness and what this looks like within our classroom, we have collaboratively created a beautiful display to remind us to be kind!
We are working very hard on our song for our end of year celebration, luckily, we are combined with Mrs Rush’s class as she is far more musically gifted than Ms Grierson! We can’t wait to share our performance with you in Week 10! We have had our fantastic trip to the Botanical Gardens to watch a performance of Alice in Wonderland and even had a visit from the Flying Doctors this week, so lots of different learning opportunities and experiences. We are using the excuse of Christmas to combine writing letters to Santa with a persuasive writing unit and we have been very excitedly engaging with our Maths work on 2D and 3D shapes. We have really enjoyed exploring the properties of the different shapes and how we can roll, stack and build with them to make interesting creations.
56 Bradshaw
As the weather starts to warm up, our class had a visit from the School Health Nurse Danielle, who shared an important message of being sun safe. The students looked at the suitability of different types of hats and sunscreens, with the key message of looking after our bodies when outside. The class then designed what their ideal, sun safe playground would look like.
5/6 Luttrell
Written by Jaxson Coppleman.
In 5/6L we have been doing some projects for Literacy and Science. For Science we decided to make our own creature for a planet or moon in our solar system. We looked up some facts about our planets to see what our creature would need to help it survive, for example if your planet was -180°C you would need to make your alien have thick fur to survive the really cold weather. For Literacy we created a movie poster for a picture book. We hope you enjoy our work.
Nataya's Joke Board
Students and staff have been enjoying reading the joke on the joke board near the library.
This year some of our students were lucky enough to be involved in MacqLit. This is a literacy-based program designed to be in smaller groups to benefit the students with their learning.
Mrs Benson and Mrs Paynter recently gave out certificates for everyone's hard work this year!
School Food Matters
The school lunch program has been very successful this year. The most popular items have been Butter Chicken, Pasta Bolognaise and Teriyaki Chicken. See the attachments for recipes.
There will be no lunch program in week 10.
School Assocation
The School Association have been busy putting together an amazing Christmas raffle with lots of wonderful prizes from generous businesses. Tickets are only $1 each. Raffle books are available from the school office.
We have again gained a spot in the New Norfolk Christmas Street Parade. If parents and students would like to take part, please let the school office know by phoning 6261 7999.
Speak Up! Stay ChatTY
We have been involved in schools for many years now, delivering presentations and programs to students and staff members.
We love connecting with young Tasmanians and supporting school staff members and we were thrilled to be approved earlier this school year, to be part of a panel of approved providers to deliver Student Wellbeing Services in Tasmanian DECYP schools including primary and high schools.
The Stay ChatTY Student Wellbeing Officers have been involved in a myriad of activities, depending on the needs of each school and of their student cohorts. Our SWO, Matt, has been building gardens at Fairview Primary School with students Charlie and Josh, who enjoy working with Matt to make the area nice for all the students to enjoy.
As the team and this initiative continues to grow, we can’t wait to support many more schools in their individual needs 💙
Derwent Valley Youth Action Team- D'FAT
The Derwent Valley Youth Future Action Team (D'FAT) "Team Derwent" travelled to Sydney for the National FIRST LEGO League Championship Competition at Macquarie University.
“Team Derwent” came 25th out of 48 teams nation-wide. Very impressive effort from all members. We are proud of the Fairview students (current and former) involved.
Colour Run and Picnic
All students wishing to participate in the Colour Run must return a signed permission form to their class teacher. Spare forms can be collected from the school office. Please note this activity is for Students and Staff only. If you would like to volunteer on the day, please contact the office. You will need a current Working with Vulnerable People Card and have completed the relevant online training.