Newsletter -8 August 2024
Dear Fairview community,
It has been a really positive start to the term with our students strongly representing the Fairview STAR values throughout their learning and play. This demonstration of values was particularly evident during recent excursions including the visit to Circus Quirkus at the Grand Chancellor last Tuesday. Comments about how our students positively represented the school and community were passed on to me.
This term all our students are being assessed to see how they are progressing against their reading and numeracy goals. The results of these assessments allow the school to make informed decisions about how to best support learning so that all students can achieve standard by the time they leave grade 6. The results we have had so far through our MacqLIT reading program has been really promising with positive student feedback as well as the ‘on paper’ results showing tremendous growth for those involved.
It has been great to see Hockey Tasmania linking in with Fairview over the last few weeks running a hockey program for all our students during PE lessons.
Coming up in week 5 we have Book Week which will be filled with great activities and with the costume parade for all students on Wednesday 21st August at 9:00am in our hall. I look forward to seeing our community involved in the week.
I am looking forward to the longer days and better weather as the term progresses as well as continuing to see great growth in our students learning.
Upcoming Events
10 May-20 Sept - Winter Sports (fortnightly)
12-22 August - Scholastic Book Fair
19 August - STAR Assembly
21 August - Book Character Dress Up Day 9am parade
26-27 August - Father's Day Stall
11 September - School Association Meeting
18 September - Terrapin Performance K-6
27 September - Footy Colours Day
23 September - STAR Assembly
Book Week
Book Fair
Our Scholastic Book Fair is nearly here! It will open on Monday 12th August, so come along to find the best new books and help to earn free books for our library!
The Book Fair will be open from Monday 12th August until Thursday 22nd August:
8:30-8:45am and every afternoon from 2:45-3pm.
Student will have the opportunity to visit the Book Fair with their class and may bring home a wish list of books they are interested in.
We accept Cash or Eftpos.
Pre-Kinder- 2024
Kinder Burdon
In Kinder this term, our inquiry question is: 'What are ways we can help our bodies feel happy, healthy and strong?' We are focusing on outcome 3 of the Early Years curriculum: Children have a strong sense of wellbeing.
During the last 2 weeks, we have shared our prior knowledge of what we already know helps keep our bodies feeling happy, healthy and strong and have focused on the importance of physical activity and exercise in our daily lives.
With the Olympic Games taking place in Paris, participating in our own ‘mini-Olympics’ was a fun and hands-on opportunity to engage the students and prove how much fun it is to be active! We are so proud of their efforts and ability to persist. With each race the students were cheering each other along and showed great sportsmanship 😊
We participated in 5 Olympic events: gymnastics, running race, bike riding, shot put and soccer.
3/4 Free
In 3/4 Free we have been learning all about the states and territories of Australia. We have enjoyed putting together the jigsaw of Australia and seeing how many states and territories we can identify and remember.
5/6 Luttrell
5/6 Luttrell have been busy starting a class display for Book Week. We are working on our own interpretations of this year’s theme: Reading is Magic.
Launching Into Learning- Weeks 1-5
Jeans for Genes Day 2024
Thank you to everyone who supported raising money for Jeans for Genes- Children's Medical Research Institute. Our school raised $691 which surpassed our goal.
PE- Hockey
Over the last two weeks in PE, students from all classes have been participating in Hockey workshops. For many students it was the first time they have tried the sport and they showed perseverance in learning new skills. Students have learned different ways to pass, dribble and defend. It has been great to see the students have a go and have fun playing hockey. Thank you to Bel from Hockey Tasmania who has run the sessions.
Student Attendance
Please use the Schoolzine app or phone the school office prior to 9am daily to report student absences (illness, appointments, holidays etc). Please contact the office to inform us if the student is going to be arriving late, or needing to leave early for an appointment. When students leave early or arrive late they must sign in via the kiosk at the office.
It is an expectation that students attend for the whole school day 8:50am - 2:45pm.
In Art Grade 5/6 F recycled their colour mixing pages into a range of 'river stones' while 5/6 B created a spiral of circles.
The weather is slowly warming up throughout the day. Please ensure jumpers are labelled so they can be returned to students if misplaced.
Canteen reminder- The QKR App closes off at 9am on canteen days. Any late orders must be in by 10am.
If your child is away and has a lunch order for that day, please inform the office by 9:30am to avoid the food being made. If you notify us before 9:30am the lunch order can be held over until another day of your choice.
School Health Nurse
The Schoolzine app is our main communication platform. The majority or our communication will be sent out via email through Schoolzine and the SZapp.
If you have not already subscribed, please join us by subscribing at
You can also download the SZapp on the Google Play Store for Android or the Apple Store for iPhone’s and subscribe.
To access your SZapp, you will be required to enter the following four-digit passcode: 3765
If you need assistance, please do not hesitate to call into the office.