Newsletter - 12 April 2022
Principal's Address
Change of Principal from Term 2
I’d like to let our school community know that I have been the successful applicant for the Acting Principal position at Brighton Primary School. I will begin in that role from the start of Term 2. I’d like to thank our students and families for their support in my time as Principal. Thank you to staff for the many changes you’ve taken on in recent times to be able to do your work and, for all the extra hours that you do behind the scenes to assist student learning. Fairview has a very positive learning environment with a strong focus on gaining new knowledge and skills, and, wellbeing. It has been a privilege to share this space with you.
Dr Michelle Waldock will be Acting Principal at Fairview Primary. Michelle has worked to build some strong relationships with staff and students at our school while in her role of Assistant Principal this term. She is very much looking forward to taking on the Principalship and continuing to support all Fairview students and families.
Thank you to our Fairview families for working with us during Term One to keep our school community safe and focused on learning. Classrooms have been busy spaces and students have enjoyed the opportunity to make the most of outdoor learning in Physical Education and Garden classes. Students, staff and families are to be commended for working through the challenges that this term has presented us with. Your communication with our School Office has been very much appreciated. A huge thank you to staff for being incredibly flexible in providing learning for students. Continuing through the term with quality learning and support for wellbeing has been our focus. While Term One has given us the chance to complete our Swimming and Water Safety Program and to send a team of fit and fantastic Year 3 -6s attend the SPSSA Interprimary Athletics Carnival, we are hoping that Term Two gives us the opportunity to provide more activities for learning outside of school.
Staff wish all of our families a happy and safe holiday break and look forward to welcoming you back from 2 May.
Student Free Day – Thursday 14 April
Teachers will meet together this Thursday to discuss and practise using the new reporting to parents tools for 2022. After consultation with parents across Tasmania last year, the Department of Education are moving to a new way of communicating students’ learning progress with parents. Communication with families will focus on discussing application to learning and sharing work samples to discuss learning progress. A new 9 point scale will be in place this year for teachers to rate learning progress in English, Mathematics and Science. Students on learning plans will continue to have their progress discussed with you.
Thank you for engaging in phone conversations this term with teachers to discuss students’ initial settling into school and then their application in the classroom.
School Association News
The Annual General Meeting of the Fairview Primary School Association was held on Wednesday 30 March. Annual reports were presented at the meeting from the School Association Chair and Treasurer, and, from the Principal.
This meeting confirmed the School Association Committee for 2022.
There were two nominations for the two staff representative vacancies and, as such, an election was not required. Chloe Bonnitcha and Belinda Harback joined the committee representing staff
There were two nominations for the two parent representative vacancies and, as such, an election was not required. Lisa Lusted and Brooke Triffitt who joined representing parents.
Office bearers for 2022 were elected at the meeting
The School Association Committee for 2022 is:
Chair – Terri Sweet (also parent rep)
Vice Chair – Lisa Lusted (also parent rep)
Secretary – Kirsten Kearney (also parent rep)
Treasurer – Debra Davies (also staff rep)
Chloe Bonnitcha (staff rep)
Brooke Triffitt (parent rep)
Belinda Harback (staff rep)
Tamara Johnson (parent rep)
Welcome to our School Chaplain for 2022
Our School Association has worked with Scripture Union to select a new School Chaplain for Fairview Primary. Kate Astley has recently joined us and will be working at Fairview on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
Kate would love to share an introduction with you:
Hi everyone, my name is Kate Astley and I am the new school chaplain at Fairview Primary School. I wanted to let you know more about myself to you all.
Why I wanted the role?
I have always had a passion for caring for children and people who support them. When I saw the role, I saw this as an opportunity to have an impact on young people lives in a positive way. This is to a wonderful school in which to start my chaplaincy journey.
Experiences I have had before this role
I have just completed my studies in a Bachelor of Applied Social Sciences and I hope to put my knowledge into practice in this role as a chaplain. I have also have had many years of experience running children and youth programs at my church.
What I know about a chaplain in school?
A chaplain in a school is here to support the students, families and staff of the school. I am here to support everyone in our school community within my chaplaincy role.
What have I done in my role here at the school since arriving?
I have already started to help run breakfast club on the mornings that I am at the school. I have been helping out with recess and lunch activities. I have been building relationships with students from across the school and letting people know about what I can do to help them from within my chaplaincy role.
RAT Collection
With Term 1 finishing this Wednesday 13th April, please come to the Office to collect more RATs if you're running low to have some on hand for the holidays. The Office will not be open during the holidays to collect more so if you require more during the holidays, please contact Public Health.
Nurse Beck - Sleep Well
Levies 2022
Levies for 2022 are now overdue. Please make payment to the Office or via an alternative payment method listed on the invoice. If you have a concession card, you may be eligible for STAS (Student Assistance Scheme). Please complete the form at the Office or online at
Year 6 Activities Day Fundraising
Our Year 6's will begin fundraising tomorrow for their end of year activities day. Icy poles will be for sale for $1 at recess for Prep - 2's and at lunch for Year 3 - 6's.
Healthy habits for the holidays
There are a number of ways you can support your young person’s mental health and wellbeing in the holidays:
1. Encourage them to stay connected
Social relationships are important to your young person’s general wellbeing. It is okay if they take time out for themselves at times, but encourage them to keep in contact with friends over the holidays. Friends can provide both play and support, and spending time with friends is also important for keeping and building on existing friendships. If your young person is not feeling up to going out, even a phone call, email, text message or Facebook message can help them to feel connected to friends and family.
2. Encourage them to stay involved
Encourage involvement with volunteer work, hobbies, clubs or committees, or sports – these can help young people feel connected to their wider community. Participate with them when you can. Involve them in decisions and give them responsibility at home (e.g. deciding what to eat for dinner and helping to prepare it). Help them to identify and set realistic goals. Setting and achieving realistic goals can be incredibly motivating and can help build self-confidence.
3. Encourage physical activity
Physical activity is important for everyone’s health and wellbeing. If your young person is feeling down or finding things are difficult, physical activity may be the last thing they feel like doing. But even small activities, like walking around the block, can help relieve stress and frustration, provide a good distraction from worrying thoughts, improve concentration and improve mood. If your young person is struggling to get active, find a physical activity that you both enjoy and can do together (e.g. swimming, playing sports with friends or cycling) and make a plan to do it regularly.
4. Encourage a regular routine
Getting a good night’s sleep helps young people to feel energised, focused and motivated. Adolescence is a time when a number of changes to the “body clock” impact on sleeping patterns and young people are more likely to have problems with sleep. Developing a sleeping routine can help. Encourage your young person to headspace wake up around the same time each day, get out of bed when they wake up, and go to bed around the same time each night. Avoiding caffeine after lunchtime, having a quiet, dark and uncluttered bedroom and shutting down electronic devices before bed can also help them to get a good night’s sleep.
5. Encourage healthy eating habits
Eating well doesn’t only reduce the risk of physical health problems, like heart disease and diabetes, but it can also help with sleeping patterns, energy levels, mood, and general health and wellbeing. A good balanced diet with less junk food/ lots of sugars and more vegies, fruit, whole grains and plenty of water will ensure your young person has all of the vitamins and minerals to help their body and brain function well.
6. Encourage play!
Devoting time to just having fun can help to recharge your young person’s battery, revitalise their social networks and reduce stress and anxiety.
Term Dates 2022
Term 1 will conclude on Wednesday 13th April. Term 2 commences Monday 2nd May.
Kinder Easter Bunnies
Kinder students have done an excellent job painting their own Easter Bunnies!