Newsletter -14 March 2024
From The Principal
Dear Fairview Community,
It's been a whirlwind of activity here at Fairview over the past few weeks, and I'm delighted to share some highlights with you all.
Firstly, I want to extend my congratulations to every member of our school community for making the recent athletics carnival such a tremendous success. The spirit of sportsmanship and the demonstration of our Star Values was truly inspiring, and it was fantastic to see everyone come together to celebrate our collective achievements. A special shoutout goes to Algona for taking home the trophy!
Building on this sense of community, we recently hosted open afternoons, providing an invaluable opportunity for parents and family members to connect with our dedicated teaching staff. Your engagement and support are integral to our students' success, and we're grateful for your ongoing involvement in their education.
Over the past few days, it's been heartening to witness our students in Grades 3 and 5 tackle the NAPLAN testing with determination and resilience. It is important that we understand that this testing is a “point in time” test that reflects where the school can put their future focus in to.
Beyond the classroom, our extracurricular activities have been in full swing, with sessions in music, art, gardening, and sports captivating the interests and talents of our students.
Looking ahead, we have an exciting lineup of events and initiatives on the horizon. In the coming weeks, we'll continue with NAPLAN assessments, ensuring that each student has the opportunity to showcase their skills and knowledge. Additionally, we're gearing up to kickstart our swimming and water safety program for Grades 3-5.
Lastly, I'd like to remind everyone about the upcoming Easter raffle organized by the school association. Your participation not only adds to the festive spirit but also supports our school community in meaningful ways.
Warm regards,
David Webster
Acting Principal
Upcoming Events
13th-25th March March- NAPLAN- Grades 3 and 5
25th March - 10th April Swimming and Water Safety Program (Grade 3-6)
Wednesday 27th March SPSSA Athletics Carnival
29th April - Public Holiday (Good Friday)
1st April- Public Holiday (Easter Monday)
2nd April- Public Holiday (Easter Tuesday)
12th April- Last Day Term 1
29th April- First Day Term 2
2024 School Levies are Now Due
Families pay an annual levy to assist with the cost of cultural activities, materials and equipment students use at school.
Levies for 2024 are:
Kindergarten | $150.00 |
Prep to Year 2 | $200.00 |
Year 3 to Year 6 | $230.00 |
Invoices have been issued for each student. Payment is due in full by the end of term 1. If you experience difficulties with making payment by the due date please contact Chloe Bonnitcha, our School Business Manager, to discuss your individual case and implement a payment plan. Payments can be made weekly, fortnightly, monthly or at other agreed times after payment of an affordable deposit.
P/1 Judges- Science
In P/1 Judges we have been looking at living things as part of our Science unit. We have been conducting experiments and learning how to use science equipment such as magnifying glasses.

5/6 Fitz- Maths
In 5/6F maths, we have been focusing on measurement and decimals.
Firstly, students explored the connection between measurement (length) and decimals by creating meter-long number lines, honing both their precision and understanding of decimals and measurement.
Another engaging task involved refining ruler skills through paper weaving. Before starting, we also explored how different types of weaving are used in various cultures around the world from various materials and for different purposes.
Here is a glimpse of two exciting activities from our classroom:

3/4 Karsznia
In light of the upcoming elections that are happening around Hobart, 3/4K have decided to hold our own election in order to choose our classroom pet. We whittled down our choices from 32 down to four and followed the election process and voting to choose our candidate.
Between T rex, Kitten, Capybara, and Red Panda, we had students represent each party, explain why the class should vote for their chosen pet, and then vote using ballots all as a part of our civics and citizenship learning.
Congratulations Red Panda on winning, I’m sure they will make a great addition to our class.

School Garden
Students in 3/4F enjoyed some delicious corn, grown in our school garden being served up as a part of the school lunch program.

School Association
Wednesday 13th of March 2024: the Annual General Meeting and General Meeting were held.
The outcome of the AGM is as follows:
Committee members
Principal- David Webster
Parent Reps- Tamara Johnson, Kim Smith, Eboni Collins, Breanna Heron
Staff Reps- Chloe Bonnitcha, Debra Davies
Community Reps- none
Office Bearers
Chairperson- Eboni Collins
Vice Chairperson- Tamara Johnson
Secretary- Chloe Bonnitcha
Treasurer- Debra Davies
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 10th April at 3:15pm.
All parent/carers with students at Fairview Primary are all automatically members of the School Association and are welcome to attend the meetings.
If you are interested in being a part of the School Association, please contact the office on 6261 67779.

Bookclub Issue 2

Issue 2 of Bookclub has been sent home with students.
We have spare catalogues at the office.
Remember you can order by filling in the paper copy or by ordering online
Orders are due back by Tuesday 26th March.
My Golf
