Newsletter - 16 November 2023
From The Principal
Dear Fairview Community,
Term 4 is always a very busy term. So far this term our grade 3 through to grade 6 students have had the Swimming and Water Safety program at the New Norfolk Pool. The weather was very kind to us and the students not only dramatically improved their swimming skills but also represented the school fantastically. The consistent message I heard from the swimming instructors and bus company was how beautifully behaved and respectful our students were, this feedback certainly fills me with a lot of pride. On Friday the swimming lessons were able to be put to use in our Fairview Swimming Carnival, Algona was the champion house but more importantly the high level of participation and ‘have a go spirit’ really shone through. I really want to acknowledge the positive support that parents, students, and staff all showed towards our competing students, when there is a collective support behind each other it is amazing what can be achieved.
Another major item that has been happening over the first few weeks of the term is what is referred to as PAT assessments. These tests provide the school with an understanding of where students are at with literacy and numeracy, including areas of strength and areas for growth. It is important we undertake these assessments to guide our teaching and celebrate successes. The Department for Education, Children and Young People is undertaking a new approach to the teaching of reading that will ensure consistent teaching across the school and Department, with multiple supports put in place to enable students to read to the ‘at standard’ level for their grade or achieve their personal learning goals. The combination of knowing where students are at with their learning and knowing the key practices to put in place will enable a huge amount of growth for our students.
We have a number of events over coming weeks with our K-6 Athletics carnival to be held on Wednesday 15th November. A letter will be provided in coming days with specific details for this event. We also have our students in the music band program getting ready for their end of year combined schools performance and a number of transition sessions for students ‘stepping up’ to high school.
I am certainly looking forward to an exciting time of the year.
David Webster
Upcoming Events
Friday 3rd November - Grade 3-6 Swimming Carnival
Monday 6th November - SPSSA Swimming Carnival
Monday 13th November - Star Assembly
Wednesday 15th November - All Grades, Athletics Carnival
Monday 11th - Friday 15th December - Kinder-Grade 2 Swimming Lessons
Tuesday 19th December - Kinder - Grade 5 Celebration Assemblies
Thursday 21st December - Grade 6 Leavers Assembly
Reminder For Hats, Term 4
In term 1 all students were given a free school hat. As the weather is warming up, the UV and temperatures are rising. In term 4 it is compulsory for all students to wear their school hat while outside for play and PE activities. New students will be given a hat at the start of term 4. If your child has lost their school hat and you would like to purchase another, please contact the office. Cost is $15.
School Association
The Fairview Fundraisers and staff put on a wonderful disco. Students had a great time dressing up and dancing.
The School Association held a BBQ on the Referendum voting day. Thank you to those who came to purchase a sausage, drink or snack.
We sold out of the delicious slices and biscuits. Thank you, Breanna Heron for baking them and donating to the stall.
Last meeting for 2023 will be on Wednesday 15th November.
Learn to Swim
Learn to swim has provided our students with valuable lessons on having fun, being fit and learning to survive in the water. Students have responded well to this program and our instructors have informed us of the continual growth and confidence of all our students.
Fairview In Full Bloom
How gorgeous are the blossoms at the front entrance of our school! And smell amazing! The children have loved watching them flourish from their buds then into full bloom.
Grade 3/4 have been finishing off their sock puppets this term. Some very cute characters have emerged from the art room!
Both grade 2 classes have enjoyed sketching the blossoms in our school garden and later some water colour paintings of spring flowers.
Grades Prep Goss/Hammer, Prep/1 Jusges and 1 Best/Thornton have been working on collaborative art works depicting city, town and country. They used box work , collage, painting, gluing, cutting and tearing techniques to create their masterpieces. Currently on display in the office foyer.
Grade 5/6 classes have been making Marionette puppets based on pompoms.
New Polo Shirts
New polo shirts have arrived which now have the school logo. These shirts are $22 to purchase from the school office. Our plain blue polo shirts are still available to purchase as well.
Community Noticeboard