Newsletter - 22 March 2022
Principal's Address
Fairview STAR Expectations
Our school’s STAR Expectations of Safety, Together, Achievement and Respect sit within our Department of Education values and are the guide for the words and actions of adults and students when at school. We ask that all volunteers and visitors to school speak and act in line with our Expectations, as required under our Volunteers and Visitors Policy.
Safe: I take care
Together: We learn together, we play together
Achievement: I give my best
Respect: I consider what I say and do
Copies of our Volunteer and Visitor Policy are available through our School Office.
To recognise the positive choices made by students, we employ a variety of recognition and Whole School reward systems through STAR Cards, STAR Assembly draws, STAR Students, and, Lunch with the STARs. As we will not be holding whole school STAR Assemblies for Term One, STAR card draws will be made at sector assemblies and students recognised for their achievement in our school newsletter.
At our recent, K-2 Sector Assembly the following students received the STAR Award for their class. Congratulations to Aliyah, Lilly-May, Theo, Shakayla, Gabriel, Nyah and Peyton. Also congratulations to Joab who won the voucher from the STAR draw.
COVID Response
Thank you to our families, staff and students who continue to use COVID safe measures and follow recommendations provided to us from Public Health. School has had a number of positive cases in the last week and we encourage all families to monitor children for symptoms. Children who are unwell need to remain at home and take a RAT test if displaying symptoms. RAT tests are available from the School Office and we ask that you come in and collect some before symptoms are evident. School continues to have additional cleaning, regular access to hand sanitiser for staff and students, ventilation of classrooms and use of air purifiers and staff use of masks. We ask that you observe physical distancing when on site. This includes when waiting for students in our playground at the end of the day.
Before and After School Supervision
School staff begin duty at 8.30am each day. Students are asked not to attend school prior to this time. The school day finishes at 2.45pm. If you are running late to pick up your child please contact the School Office. Please also let the School Office know if there is any change to your child’s usual bus travel arrangements.
Student Leadership
Many students submitted applications to take on Student Leader and Sports Leader positions for 2022. Well done to all students who took the time to write an application. The standard this year was very high and it was obvious that many students wanted the opportunity to support other students and show responsibility through a leadership role.
The following students were successful in their application for leadership this year:
Student Leaders: Tara, Brookln, Isla, Abby, Frankie, Noah, Ava, Savannah, Nate B and Pepper
Sports Leaders: Sam C, Conna, Payton, Jenarlee, Lucy, Maddison, Riley K, Milla H, Jordan W and Cooper G
Congratulations! We look forward to you growing your leadership skills this year while representing our school and supporting your peers.
Playground Improvements
There have been many improvements made to areas of our school yard over recent weeks. Repairs to our early childhood bike track are now complete and we are part way through installing a shade sail over the sand pit in our sensory play area. Both Central play area and South playground have had a Buddy Bench installed and students are enjoying using these.
While we continue to provide improved outdoor spaces for students (and families on weekends) to enjoy, we have also experienced some vandalism of our school in recent weeks.
Please be observant and alert when using our play areas after hours and during holidays and report any misuse or damage to Tasmania Police on 131444.
Ms Graham and Ms Rush on leave
School has recently welcomed two new teachers to our classrooms as they take on teaching roles while Ms Graham and Ms Rush are on leave. Both Ms Graham and Ms Rush are having surgery and will be away for the rest of the term while they recover. Ms Casey Rose will be teaching 3-4G, while Ms Georgia Rainbird has been teaching 1-2R.
Validation Forms
Student Validation Forms are now overdue. Students who have not yet returned one have been issued another one to complete. Each year we require a form to be completed to ensure we have the correct medical information and emergency contacts on file. Permissions also need to be updated this year. If the permissions are not completed, students will not be allowed to have their photo taken on school photo day. Please complete the form and return it to the Office as soon as possible.
If you require a new one to be printed, please contact the Office on 62617999 and we can send one home.
Levies 2022
Levies for 2022 are now due. Please make payment to the Office or via an alternative payment method listed on the invoice. If you have a concession card, you may be eligible for STAS (Student Assistance Scheme). Please complete the form at the Office or online at
Interprimary Athletics Carnival
Congratulations to all students who participated in the Interprimary Athletics Carnival yesterday. The team did a fantastic job and had a great day. Well done everyone!
Breakfast Club
A massive thank you goes out to Belle Parker @ homes for their generous donation to our Breakfast Club. The students were very excited to see fresh fruit as an option to start their school day!
New Norfolk Soccer Club
Are you interested in joining the local soccer club? The season begins the first weekend in April, please contact the New Norfolk Panthers Soccer Club via Facebook or at