Newsletter - 29 June 2023
From the Principal
Dear Fairview Community,
We are already almost halfway through the school year and it has gone very quickly with lots of fantastic learning and extra curricula opportunities occurring.
Last week we held very successful parent/teacher meetings where reporting on progress, evidence of learning, and steps for future growth were communicated. It was great to hear such positive feedback from these conversations. For those parents that were unable to attend, reports have been mailed home and teachers are available either over the phone or face to face to discuss.
One of the most exciting things that has happened over this term is our students involvement in providing a voice around how to improve the Derwent Valley for young people. A number of our student leaders represented Fairview at the Derwent Valley Youth Summit, stepping up to lead focus groups and being amazing ambassadors for the school and themselves.
Next week is NAIDOC week, this is a week that celebrates the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Our classes will be doing activities to celebrate this, please see the information in this newsletter around community activities that are running.
We have a number of staffing changes occurring for term 3 and I would like to sincerely thank Ms Hills and Ms Tang who are leaving Fairview at the end of the term to undertake new and exciting challenges. Ashlee Isaac who is an amazing part of our admin team will be taking on the Acting School Business Manager role at Westerway Primary for the remainder of the year. I want to thank Ash for her contribution to the smooth running of the school.
Please remember to drive safely around the school and community to ensure the safety of all in our community.
Finally, although we still have a week to go before holidays, please have a safe and restful break so that we are refreshened for even more exciting learning in term 3.
Children's University
Recently Sean Stevenson from UTAS wrote an article around Malcolm McArthur's role as a Children’s University School Co-Ordinator, this has been at a number of schools and it is great recognition of his work.
Kinder Rogowski
What's the time Mr Wolf? Just ask Kinder Rogowski because we can tell you! We have been learning how to read clocks to tell the time and all about the differences between day and night!
5/6 Bradshaw
5/6 Bradshaw have been investigating matter in science.
Art with Mrs Maddock
Mrs Maddock and her art classes have been very busy exploring their creative side.
Prep students and Grade 1 students created beautiful butterfly prints which are proudly displayed in the office foyer for all to enjoy.
The grade 2 students created an amazing drip artwork which is also displayed in the office.
Robot Man
3/4OB and 3/4HB had an incursion with Robotman coming to Fairview. We got to code a robot to move around, add design features to our robots and then battled against each other! Everyone had a great time and showed our STAR expectations!
Pre-Kinder - Coming Term 3!
Stick Insects
3/4HB recently had a visit from some facinating stick insects and the class did some research to learn about them.
Canteen- Belle Parker @ Homes
Thank you once again to Belle Parker @ Homes for your wonderful donation to our school breakfast program.
School Association- Fundraising
The School Association Fundraising Committee have been busy researching, planning and ordering for for upcoming Father's Day stall in term 3. We will again have a fantastic variety of gifts for students to choose for their Dad, Pop or important person. More information will be sent out in term 3.
Naidoc Week 2nd - 9th July 2023
School Holidays
Good Luck Ash
The Admin Staff would like to wish Ash Isaac all the best for the next 6 months in her role as SBM at Westerway Primary School. We will miss you Ash but know what an asset you will be at Westerway Primary.