Newsletter - 6 April 2023
From The Principal
Safeguarding Lead Appointment
School Lunch Program
2 Rush
Kinder Burdon
34HB - Science
Easter Colouring Competition
Grade 6 Fundraising
Chess Competition
SPSSA Interschool Athletics Carnival
School Assocation
Nurse Hannah
School Holiday Event
School Crossing Officer Jobs
RSPCA Million Paws Walk
From The Principal
Dear Fairview Community,
In our end of term newsletter, I wanted to celebrate a very successful term. Students have had a range of recent achievements including finishing third in the interschool Athletics Carnival and winning the divisional Chess Championships. More importantly though, the way the school has been represented at these events by all of our students has been exceptional. I have had a range of community members and others comment on how Fairview students have shown strong values of respect, fair play and support through their actions and words. This is what I see throughout the classes and playground on a daily basis and students and their families should feel very proud of this. I am excited about further opportunities that are coming up over the next term including our involvement with the University of Tasmania through the Children’s University program.
Something that is less visible but extremely important is the engagement in learning that is happening every day in classrooms. Nothing makes me feel happier as a principal than a student that comes to me with a smile on their face because they have achieved a learning goal, progressed in their reading, or asking me a probing question around a topic that they have covered in class because it has engaged them so much they wish to explore it further. I am fortunate to experience this every day at Fairview.
We have a few staffing changes for next term with Miss. Desire commencing maternity leave and I want to thank her for the huge contribution she has made to Fairview Primary over a number of years and wish her all the best for the time with her family. Mrs. Maddock will be joining the team in Term 2 to teach Art. I would also like to welcome back Mrs. Goss who is returning from leave to team teach in the Prep classroom with Miss. Hammer.
Finally, thank you to all that have supported the school over the term including all those that have supported our School Association Easter Raffle and other fundraising activities.
Please have a safe and restful easter period and I look forward to seeing students and parents smiling faces when they return after Anzac Day on Wednesday 26th April.
David Webster
Safeguarding Lead Appointment
School Lunch Program
The School Lunch Program will run for 2 days a week in Term 2. Kinder - Grade 2 will enjoy their lunch each Monday, starting Monday 1 May. Grades 3-6 will enjoy their lunch each Tuesday starting the 2 May. The menu items in Term 2 will be Pasta Bolognaise with Seasonal Vegetables, Chow Mein & Noodles, Cottage Pie with Seasonal Vegetables and Savoury Slice with Baked Beans. There will be one menu option available each week.
2 Rush
2 Rush were learning about speech bubbles. Students researched their own jokes and illustrated their favourite.
We had lots of laughs creating these. They are on display for your enjoyment in the front office.
Kinder Burdon
Kinder Burdon students have been looking at the first letter of their name and practising their fine motor skills to create these beautiful works of art.
34HB - Science
Students in 34HB have been learning about different materials and their properties. They have been connecting material properties to their purpose and learning why some materials are suitable for one task but not another. Students needed to design a boat that was no more than 15cm long and 4 cm tall, it needed to float and hold 10 marbles.
Easter Colouring Competition
Woolworths, New Norfolk kindly donated 7 wonderful prizes of Easter Eggs, Bunny Ears and Gift Vouchers. The staff at Woolworths said it was extremly difficult choosing the winners as all our students put in a tremendous effort.
Here are our winning entries. Well done to all the students who entered and thank you Woolworths for your ongoing support.
Prize winners
Grade 6 Fundraising
The Grade 6 Leavers organised a Guess The Easter Egg competition to raise money for their Grade 6 Leavers Activities Day. Across both jars there were 424 eggs! Although no one guessed this number, one of our Grade 6 students Isla was the winner with a guess of 426! Congratulations Isla!
Chess Competition
Winners are grinners! Our students came first in their first ever Chess Tournament. Well done to all the students for representing our school and displaying our school values perfectly..
SPSSA Interschool Athletics Carnival
Well done to all our competitors who took part in the SPSSA Interschool Athletics Carnival last month. Fairview came 3rd overall out of the 8 schools participating. Once again, all students displayed our school values, and represented our school amazingly. Great teamwork everyone!
School Assocation
The School Association Fundraising Committee have once again created some wonderful Easter Prizes. Thank you to Banjos-New Norfolk and JCB Construction-Hobart for your donations. The School Assocation appreciate all students, parents and caregivers who continuously support our school.
In Term 2 we will be holding a Mothers Day stall for students to purchase a gift for a special person. Gifts will range between $1 and $10. More information will go out at the beginning of term 2.
Thank you to Damian Bester from the New Norfolk and Derwent Valley News. Damian placed an advertisement for the Associaion without cost. We are still yet to receive any Community Nominations and therefore have 2 places available. For more information please contact the school or see the link below to fill out the form.
The next School Association meeting is on Wednesday 17th May at 3:15pm. All parents/caregivers are welcome to attend as observers. Please contact the school is you would like to come along to a meeting.
Below are out meeting dates for the term.
17 May
14 June
2 August
6 September
15 November