Newsletter - 23 February 2023
From the Principal
Dear Fairview Community,
It has been a pleasure to start 2023 as the Acting Principal of Fairview Primary. What a great start to the year!! Over the first three weeks I have really noticed the way that our students clearly demonstrate the ‘STAR’ values of the school, especially the way they show respect towards each other and towards staff. There is also a clear focus from all students on achieving their learning goals. I have particularly enjoyed meeting families at drop off and pick up and getting around the classes to meet students and see the fantastic learning opportunities that are happening across the school.
I have a very simple goal, and that is that I want Fairview Primary School to be the best school in Tasmania. This will be achieved by having high expectations, with teachers, students, and families all working together to ensure outstanding learning is occurring in every class, every day, for every student. The good news is that there is so much great work already happening in the school and with a determined effort I have no doubt we will be able to achieve this goal.
I have four children of my own (two of primary school age) and I know how important it is to engage with schools and I encourage positive/respectful communication between home and Fairview Primary. I have been fortunate to have experienced strong community partnerships at the schools I have worked over my career, with the majority of my last three years spent at East Derwent Primary in Bridgewater. If you haven’t connected with your child’s Dojo account or through our Facebook page where we will be sharing examples of learning I encourage you to do so.
I look forward to a fantastic year ahead and experiencing all the positives that Fairview Primary has to offer.
David Webster
School Association
The Fairview Primary School Association is made up of parents, staff, and community members who work together to achieve shared outcomes for learners attending our school and for the benefit of the whole school community.
Did you know that all parents of Fairview Primary School are automatically members? This means that everybody is welcome to attend our meetings as an observer, all we ask of you is that you let the school office know if you are attending. Parents also have the option to nominate themselves to be a committee member which gives you the responsibility of being a voice for other parents.
The Committee and members meet at least once per term from 3:15pm, with upcoming dates advertised through the SZapp and Facebook.
The first meeting will be at 3:15pm on Wednesday 22nd March 2023.
First will be the Annual General Meeting (AGM) followed by the general meeting.
In the AGM, the Committee elects the following officeholders:
- a chairperson (who must be a parent member or a community member)
- a deputy chairperson (who can be a parent member or a community member)
- a secretary (who can be a parent member, community member or staff member)
- a treasurer (who can be a parent member, community member or staff member
The School Association have been an integral part of the school community for many years and have assisted the school by fundraising for important needs including new home readers and the early years swimming program. The School Association also organise fun events including disco’s, free dress days, Easter and Christmas raffles and Hot Dog Days.
The current School Association would like to openly welcome as many parents and community members to attend and to nominate themselves as committee members. There are two parent positions and four community member positions available for 2023/2024. But remember, all parents can still attend our meetings as members.
School Reminders
Our Office is open from 8am to 3:30pm daily. For any non urgent enquires, please use the Contact Us tile on the SZapp.
Student messages can be submitted via the SZapp or by calling the Office on 62617999. Messages need to be submitted by 2:15pm to ensure your child receives them prior to end of day.
Fairview is a Sun Smart school. Students are required to wear hats during Term 1 and Term 4 when outside. The students have been given a bucket hat each on the first day of school. These hats now have the Fairview Primary School logo. Previously students have received a new hat each school year, however going forward, students will only receive a complimentary hat in Kinder and Grade 3. If students require a new hat, they will need to be purchased from the school’s uniform shop for $15.00. Students are still able to wear the wide brim hats given in previous years. At the end of the school year, during the step-up day, students will take their hats to their new classroom ready to be washed for the following year.
The start of the new year is a great time to update medical information. This can be done via the validation form or by visiting the office. If your child has a medical condition we need to be aware of, please let us know. If your child has allergies or asthma, we require an Action Plan to be completed by your Doctor and a copy given to the office each year.
If your child requires medication to be administered whilst at School, please see the Office to get the correct forms. Medication can not be given by staff until the forms have been completed.
Please send your child to school with a refillable drink bottle. All classes have access to fresh water to refill drink bottles and this makes it quick and easy for your child to remain hydrated during the school day. Students are provided with a short fruit break during the morning learning block. This supports them to keep their energy level up and to stay focused on learning. Please support this routine by packing your child a piece of fruit to eat at this time.
Launching into Learning
School Photos
School photos will be held on Wednesday 22nd March. Individual shoot keys for online ordering have been sent home with students. If you would like a sibling family photo, please see the office for a separate order form.
Bike Safety
It’s fantastic to see so many students from Fairview taking advantage of the nice weather we are experiencing, and riding their bicycles or scooters to and from school.
Please remind your child to always ride safely and respectfully to school, especially making sure they wear a helmet, being aware of other road users and pedestrians using footpaths as they ride to school.
Students also wear the school uniform and we encourage them to continue representing our school in a positive way, displaying our school values, as they travel to and from school.’
School Lunch Program
As part of the School Lunch Project, children are receiving free cooked lunches on some days each week. To help better understand the benefits and challenges of providing cooked school lunches, researchers from the University of Tasmania are interested in hearing feedback from parents. You are invited to complete a short survey. Every parent who completes a survey will go in the draw to win a $20 Visa/Mastercard voucher. If more than 20% of eligible parents complete the survey, your school will receive a $500 voucher that can go towards improving school food facilities. If you would like to participate, please follow this link:
We thank you in advance for your participation!
Molesworth Excursion 2MT & 2R
On Wednesday 22nd of February 2MT and 2R went on an excursion to the Molesworth Environment Centre as a part of developing children’s confidence and self-esteem through team building exercises.
This was a wonderful opportunity to get to know each other by participating in team building challenges and exploring the natural environment.
The aims of the day were to -
- encourage cooperation and the ability to work as part of a team
- promote effective communication between students
- develop children’s confidence and self esteem
- encourage children to experiment and test ideas
- increase awareness of others needs and abilities
- Practise strategies they can use when they need help with a task, problem, or situation
- Identify rules and play fairly when participating in physical activities
There were 6 challenges to participate in and the teachers were not allowed to help the students out at all otherwise the teachers were sat under the ‘Naughty Tree’. Our activities included -
- Emergency Tent – Build a tent for a bear having a nap
- Pirate Treasure – Pass the treasure to your friend before the Pirate (Teacher) gets it
- Diving Ducks – Scooping a bucket to collect toxic ducks & delivering them back to mother duck
- Cuddle Tas – Walking together on stilts to free our friend Tassie Devil
- Ship Wreck - Oh no! The boat is sinking. How can we get to the islands
- Over the Top – Getting up and over the pole
We all had such a fantastic day and came home with some positive ways of talking and cooperating with our friends.
NAPLAN - Grade 3's & 5's
Heart of Australia - Our cultural icons
Uniform Price List
Uniform is available to purchase via the school office. We are currently waiting on more stock and when it has arrived ordering via the QKR! app will be available also.