Newsletter - 24 November 2022
From the Principal
Hello Families
The end of the year is fast approaching! Students and teachers are engaging in summative assessment activities in preparation for end of year reports.
School Levies 2023: After consultation with our School Association the following levies have been set for 2023:
Kindergarten $150.00
Prep – Year 2 $200.00
Year 3 – Year 6 $230.00
This levy contributes to the cost of your child’s education program and includes learning materials, stationery, performances and excursions.
Families have a variety of ways to pay levies. Please call the School Office for more information about payment options. There are still some levies outstanding from 2021 and 2022, prompt payment of these would be much appreciated.
External School Review: Thank you to all those families who spoke to the Review Panel this week. The Panel will now prepare a report for the Department and Fairview will receive a copy of this report in the coming weeks.
School Crossing: We have had some very serious incidents over the past couple of weeks where cars have not stopped for our crossing guard. This has endangered her and our students. Police have been notified of both incidents. Please take care around our crossing and let the Office know if you see anything dangerous at our crossing at drop off and pick up times.
As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns, questions or ideas to share.
Best wishes,
Michelle Waldock
Acting Principal
Kinder Enrolments 2023
Kinder enrolments for 2023 are still open. Please complete enrolment forms and submit ID requirements to the office as soon as possible.
CWAC Event at Fairview
Wednesday 9th November was an exciting day for the Fairview Primary School community as it hosted its first Cuppa With A Cop event! This was a great opportunity for the school community to chat with our local Police Officers about issues of concern, whilst enjoying a scrumptious morning tea provided by the school. We were immensely happy with the number of police who took time out of their busy day to be there, including Inspector Philippa Burk, Sgt Andrea Richardson, Const Anthony Bailey, and three other officers. New Norfolk Neighbourhood Watch appreciated the invitation from Principal Michelle Waldock to hold such an event within the school environment, and we look forward to holding more such events in the future!
School Association Update
Remembrance Day 2022
All students participated in the Remembrance Day Service on Friday the 11th of November and all classes contributed to the schools thoughtful display.
Classes in the Garden
Our school garden program is running beautifully and is looking amazing thanks to the hard work of staff and students. The program opens up opportunities for the students to experience growing their own vegetables and harvesting ready to eat.